280,000 TROPHY

Trophy is a company focused on DeFi innovation utilities such as DEX SWAP and FARM STAKING, that creates benefits and value for Trophy token holders ($TROPHY is a Bep20 token,)and the Trophy Auto-Staking Protocol (TAP) is a new financial protocol that makes staking easier, and more efficient and awards $TROPHY token holders (Stakers) the highest stable returns in crypto.

We also have several proprietary mechanisms in place that we have created ourselves which offers many improvements over our competition such as; our TROPHY Auto-Liquidity Engine (TALE), the TROPHY Insurance Fund (TIF), our Long term Interest Cycle (LIC), as well as safeguards in place which secure against malicious hack attempts.

TROPHY tokenomics are also completely unique with our Auto-Burn Furnace structure

Trophy Smart Contract: 0xBaAd7173c7eDd91269F52c32c1d98B523e1852e4

Last updated